Setting up RubyMotion

Key Concepts

  • managing Xcode versions with xcode-select
  • the motion command line tool
  • motion update and the changelog
  • motion repo and the RubyMotion template repository

Before we get started, you will need to set up your Mac for RubyMotion/iOS development. You can either watch and work through the steps with the video, or download the preparation.pdf file, read the *entire file*, and then go ahead and follow the instructions contained therein for installing Xcode and RubyMotion.

Even if you have installed RubyMotion and Xcode before, it's a good idea to read this document, and download / update to the latest, greatest versions.



The Apple Developer website.

You can get Xcode from the App Store OR download here.

Download page for RubyMotion. Or go direct to the download for RubyMotion Starter.

The Ruby Version Manager documentation. (I use RVM)

A link to the DragonRiders Slack group, to join the RubyMotion, A DragonRuby product community.

The RubyMotion Template Github.

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